Storyteller and Puppeteer


What’s the fuss, tell me what’s happening?

Welcome to .ORG not .COM

Welcome to my new website! I hope you find the information here you seek and if you don’t please contact me with questions, I will happily answer.

The questions you end up asking yourself while forming a website about yourself feel like a lot of naval gazing, it’s easy to get bogged down without some clarity from an outside perspective. Thankfully I have a friend, Jonathan Lee, who can step in and work a little design magic. Jonathan produced my new logo and helped me pull my bits and pieces together into an attractive and navigable site for folks interested in storytelling or puppetry fun. I am grateful to him. If you are here reading this I am grateful to you to for being interested in the art of storytelling or puppetry and most especially for being interested in experiencing those arts with me! Storytelling and Puppetry require more than one person to work properly, I am frequently amazed at the reminders I get about this fact…they come from just about anywhere and everywhere.

While putting together the new site Jonathan and I ran across a problem. Between the time that we began setting up the site and the time that I purchased my domain name someone bought the .com domain of my site. Apparently it’s a common practice for certain folks to keep track of recently researched domain names and claim them, causing the individual actually interested in using the domain name to have to purchase it from the cyber “squatter”. Charming practice. When I found that this had happened to me I had a choice. 1. I could attempt to purchase my .com domain name from the cyber squatter for $80…no thanks I don’t want to give them the satisfaction or my money. 2. I could choose a different name…not good, I have a logo and email already designed around that name. 3. I could choose a .org or .net version of the domain name. It really boiled down to .org or .net, both really meant for groups or collections of people not for an individual. I was not pleased. I ruminated and rumbled. I pondered…and it came to me. I don’t do Storytelling Alone! I don’t do Puppetry Alone! Each of these thing are an art that I and the audience do together. One part my energy and performance, one part their engagement and belief. During a performance we are a group, a collection, an organization of organisms dreaming the same dream. And so I welcome you to because as much as I love story, I don’t do this by myself and for that I Thank You!


And if you would like to see more of my friend Jonathan’s work please visit his site below and enjoy!

Jess Wilis